It was not said clearly but this is a bonus CD given with one of the LD-box releases of the series (among the many goodies they offered).

Originally posted in datorrents on 2006-07-28 at 14:15:59
*************************************************************************************************************** A little Omake for the fanboys... Cream Lemon Photo CD contains a bunch of images from the series. Nothing spectacular at all, just something for the hardcore collector or ppl with too much free bandwith. Included are some LD booklet scans from the box that included the photo cd. Hope someone will enjoy it anyways, was a pain to make those scans :) Visit us on irc #Lamonae @ - Episodes 5++ soonish.

Torrent (part of batch #2): (magnet link only)

Direct download:!hTh10RKC!QyIKgrDn...